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Techno Ruhez

Techno Ruhez: Unveiling the Secrets of a Successful YouTuber

Calling all aspiring YouTubers! Buckle up because we’re about to delve into the secrets of one of the most successful content creators on the platform. Today, we unlock the strategies that propel India’s one of the most favourite YouTubers – Techno Ruhez to the top.

Hello everyone! I am Ruhez Amrelia, an enthusiastic young YouTuber who loves to entertain and make others smile. On my channel, I bring you reviews on all the latest and greatest phones, mobile and PCs, and daily tech news with tips and tutorials. My goal is to intrigue you with the latest reviews about new smartphones, Laptops, TVs and Gadgets, inform complete beginners on how to use their devices and show competent users little tricks that will make you say, “Oh, that’s cool; I didn’t know it could do that.” And I hope to entertain you with passion and a little humour. If you still haven’t subscribed to the channel, here I am telling you all the secrets of becoming India’s most popular YouTuber,” says the gutsy young man, Mohammed Ruhez Abdul Razzak Amrelia, aka Techno Ruhez.

How did he come up with such a cool name?

When asked, Ruhez smiles, “Actually, earlier, I used to call it something else, mimicking one of my early inspirations. Then I thought about it and felt it was wrong. I asked myself, where is my identity in it? I need a new name. In answer, my creative mind came up with the reply, Techno Ruhez. It was the Eureka moment.”

Now, the name Techno Ruhez is on everyone’s lips, and the spell of its captivating content and meteoric rise is starting to enchant minds and enthral hearts. The cool name is backed up by Ruhez’s out-of-the-box fresh content that is informative, knowledgeable, and, most importantly, funny and entertaining.

Today, Techno Ruhez is India’s leading YouTube channel, with 3.72 million subscribers and 4.6K videos. At the same time, Ruhez himself has over 400,000 followers on Instagram and is widely recognized as one of the Top 10 YouTubers in India.

Why? What are the reasons?

In the bustling world of digital content creation, where thousands of creators vie for attention, few have managed to carve out a unique niche and build a loyal following as effectively as Techno Ruhez.

As one of India’s premier technology YouTubers, Techno Ruhez has become a household name, synonymous with reliable tech news, insightful reviews, and engaging content.

Today, Ruhez’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a leading tech influencer is an inspiring blueprint for aspiring YouTubers worldwide.

The Rise of a Tech Guru

Techno Ruhez, Ruhez Amrelia’s digital persona, began its journey into YouTube with a deep passion for technology and a desire to share his knowledge with a broader audience. Born and raised in Mumbai, India, Ruhez’s fascination with gadgets and electronics started at a young age, laying the foundation for his future success. Recognizing the growing demand for quality tech content in India, he decided to channel his expertise into creating a YouTube channel that would demystify technology for the masses.

In the Wild West Days of Tech YouTube: In Ruhez’s words, in early 2015, the tech creator scene on YouTube was like the Wild West – vast and open, with few established figures staking their claim. It was a time of exciting possibilities, and the lack of competition wasn’t a deterrent but a spark. “I remember being captivated by the content of Bharat Nagpal of iGyaan and other English tech creators from India. Their passion for technology was infectious, and it planted a seed in my mind,” reveals Ruhez.

Taking the Leap: Inspired by these creators and the burgeoning tech landscape on YouTube, he decided to take the plunge in early 2015. Starting a YouTube channel wasn’t as common back then, and there were challenges to navigate. But the desire to share his tech knowledge and experiences, perhaps even pave the way for others, was too strong to ignore.

Ruhez shares, “The world of YouTube has always captivated me. From a young age, I devoured content from other creators, their passion and talent igniting a spark within me. It wasn’t just entertainment; it was a vision. I dreamt of sharing my knowledge and experiences and building a community around a shared love of technology and entertainment. This dream fueled a fire of determination. Challenges were inevitable, but I never let them extinguish the flame. Every obstacle became a stepping stone, propelling me on this journey.”

The Pillars of YouTube Success: Consistency and Authenticity

According to Ruhez, while there’s no guaranteed formula for YouTube’s success, two crucial ingredients have consistently proven their worth: consistency and honesty. He adds, “Over the years, I’ve understood this firsthand.” Building a loyal audience takes dedication, and that’s where consistency comes in. By consistently uploading high-quality content, you establish a rhythm and become a reliable source of information and entertainment for your viewers. They know when to expect your next video and can look forward to it becoming routine.

In his journey, Ruhez always maintained that consistency. Uploading over 4,600 videos is a testament to that commitment. But it’s not just about the quantity; it’s about maintaining a standard of quality and value for your viewers, he says.

Honesty: The Heart of Connection

However, consistency alone isn’t enough. Building a genuine connection with your audience requires honesty and authenticity. People can spot a fake a mile away. Being true to yourself, your passions, and your approach to content creation is critical. Share your genuine thoughts and experiences, even if they aren’t always sunshine and rainbows. This vulnerability can foster deeper connections with your viewers, who will appreciate your authenticity.

Crafting a Unique Identity

Combining consistent uploads with a commitment to honesty creates a foundation for a thriving YouTube channel with its unique identity. Ruhez claims this recipe might not guarantee overnight success, but it’s a path that fosters genuine connection, builds trust, and paves the way for long-term growth.

Thus, remember these factors to become a successful Youtuber:

Engaging Content: One key element that sets Techno Ruhez apart is his ability to produce engaging and relatable content. His videos are characterized by a perfect blend of technical depth and accessible language, making complex technology topics understandable and enjoyable for viewers of all backgrounds. Whether it’s a product review, unboxing, or a tech news update, Techno Ruhez’s content is always delivered with clarity, humour, and a genuine enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Consistency and Reliability: Consistency is a hallmark of successful YouTube channels, and Techno Ruhez excels at it. Ruhez has maintained a rigorous posting schedule, ensuring his subscribers have a steady stream of fresh and relevant content. This consistency helps retain viewers and builds a sense of reliability and trust, making Techno Ruhez a go-to source for tech-related information.

Daily Uploads and Independent Brainstorming: Ruhez says, “Consistency is key on YouTube, and I’m committed to delivering fresh content for my audience every single day. Each video is a labour of love, meticulously researched to ensure accuracy and value. Brainstorming ideas is a solo adventure for me. I carve out dedicated time to tap into my creative wellspring, letting my imagination run wild. The most exciting concepts emerge in my videos, each uniquely expressing my passion.”

Community Engagement: Techno Ruhez understands the importance of community-building around his channel. Ruhez actively engages with his audience through comments, social media interactions, and live sessions, fostering a sense of connection and loyalty. This engagement boosts viewer retention and creates a vibrant community of tech enthusiasts, contributing to the channel’s growth and success.

Audience Feedback – The Guiding Light: Ruhez explains, “My audience is the heart and soul of my channel. Their feedback is an invaluable resource, profoundly shaping my content’s direction. Their suggestions and ideas fuel the creative engine, sparking new concepts and igniting my enthusiasm. But the most inspiring element is their unwavering support. Knowing they’re out there, cheering me on every step of the way, is a truly motivating force.”

Collaboration: A Catalyst for Growth

In the early days of its YouTube journey (before 2021), collaboration played a significant role in Techno Ruhez’s growth. Ruhez recognized the power of community and fostered connections with other creators in the tech space. This spirit of collaboration culminated in a history-making moment – uniting over 20 fellow tech creators in a single video! This ambitious project pushed creative boundaries and expanded my reach and influence. Ruhez says, “Collaborations helped me connect with new audiences, fostering a sense of community around the content we created together.” It was a win-win for creators and viewers, offering diverse perspectives and attracting a broader subscriber base.

Staying Ahead of the Curve:

The tech landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving. To remain relevant and keep his content engaging, Ruhez prioritizes staying up-to-date on the latest trends and challenges within the YouTube ecosystem and the tech industry. “My quest for knowledge starts with readily available resources like Google and Twitter,” says Ruhez. These platforms serve as valuable starting points, allowing him to identify trending topics and gauge audience interest.

However, information gathering is just the first step. Ruhez adds, “I firmly believe in the power of adaptation. Once I identify relevant trends and challenges, I strive to incorporate them into my content in an informative and engaging way for my viewers.” This involves creating explainer videos on new technologies, discussing emerging challenges, or offering solutions to common tech-related issues. By staying informed and adapting my content strategy, Ruhez ensures that his viewers can access the most up-to-date information while remaining entertained and engaged.

From Solo Creator to Collaborative Powerhouse: Mastering the Art of Content Creation

Ruhez’s editing journey began with Filmora, a testament to the dedication required in the early days. By 2021, however, Techno Ruhez’s growth necessitated a shift. Building a team has been an incredible experience. Ruhez says, “Today, I’m fortunate to collaborate with six talented editors who help me maintain the high production value my viewers have come to expect. This allows me to focus on the bigger picture – conceptualizing video ideas and strategizing content.”

High-Quality Production: In an era where visual appeal is crucial, Techno Ruhez has invested significantly in the quality of his content. Ruhez’s videos are known for their crisp visuals, clear audio, and professional editing, enhancing the viewing experience. By maintaining high production standards, he ensures that his content stands out in a crowded digital landscape and attracts a broader audience.

The Art of the Click: Thumbnails and Titles

In the competitive world of YouTube, first impressions are crucial. That’s where captivating thumbnails and titles come in. Ruhez says he understands their importance in attracting viewers and has always strived for creativity. “Currently, I have two dedicated team members who specialize in crafting eye-catching thumbnails that showcase the product or topic of the video while maintaining a visually appealing style.”

Staying Relevant: The technology sector is fast-paced and ever-changing, and Techno Ruhez has demonstrated a keen ability to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments. By providing timely updates on new gadgets, software releases, and industry news, Ruhez keeps his content fresh and relevant, ensuring that his viewers always have access to the latest information.

Building Bridges: Audience Interaction

He furthers that connecting with his audience is vital to the YouTube experience. “I actively engage in the comments section, responding to questions and fostering a sense of community. This two-way dialogue is incredibly rewarding, strengthening the connection between myself and my viewers.”

Balancing Technical Depth with Accessibility: Techno Ruhez’s greatest strength is its ability to balance technical depth with accessibility. While Ruhez delves into the intricacies of technology, he does so in a way that is easy for the average viewer to understand. This balance allows him to cater to tech-savvy audiences and those new to the world of technology, broadening his appeal and reach.

Expanding the Conversation: Beyond YouTube

While YouTube remains his primary platform, Ruhez believes in fostering a multi-channel presence. “I host live streams on Amazon monthly, offering a change of pace and allowing viewers to interact with me in a different setting.”

Additionally, he utilizes polls on Instagram and Twitter to keep his audience engaged. These interactive elements spark conversation and provide valuable insights into audience preferences.

Spreading the Word: Leveraging the Power of Social Media

Promoting content beyond YouTube is essential for reaching a wider audience. Ruhez consistently shares his videos across social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. This strategic approach expands his reach, attracting viewers from different parts of the country who might not have discovered his channel otherwise. Social media promotion is a springboard, driving unique views and fostering a more diverse audience base.

Cross-Platform Presence: Techno Ruhez has effectively utilized social media to expand his reach and engage with a wider audience. Ruhez’s presence on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook allows him to connect with fans, share quick updates, and promote his YouTube content. By maintaining an active and engaging social media presence, he drives traffic to his channel and builds a robust online community.

Collaborations and Networking: Collaborations with other content creators and influencers have significantly influenced Techno Ruhez’s success. By partnering with fellow YouTubers, tech brands, and industry experts, Ruhez has expanded his network and introduced his channel to new audiences. These collaborations enhance the quality and diversity of his content and provide valuable opportunities for cross-promotion and growth.

Misconceptions of YouTube Success

There are many myths surrounding the life of a successful YouTuber. According to Ruhez, some might think it’s a walk in the park – just hit record and upload. The reality is far more demanding. Building a thriving channel requires incredible hard work, dedication, and a constant flow of creative ideas. It’s a full-time commitment that goes far beyond what most people see on the surface.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Finding a healthy work-life balance is crucial for any creative professional. Ruhez says, “In my case, I prioritize regular exercise to maintain physical and mental well-being. Taking time off is essential, too. Scheduling getaways with my family, like our recent European tour, allows me to recharge and return with renewed focus and creativity.” These breaks are essential for long-term success.

Overcoming Obstacles

The journey hasn’t been without its challenges. One major hurdle was a temporary Adsense disablement, which halted Ruhez’s YouTube income for four months. However, this setback didn’t deter him. He continued creating content with the same passion, “Fueled by my love for what I do,” adding, “Fortunately, after five months, my Adsense was reinstated – a moment of immense joy that solidified my commitment to this path. This experience taught me valuable lessons about perseverance and the importance of staying true to your passion, regardless of the obstacles.”

Rewards Beyond Fame: Achievements and Impact

While fame and financial rewards are undeniable perks of YouTube’s success, the true gratification lies deeper. Building a community around shared interests is incredibly fulfilling.

Connecting with viewers, inspiring them, and seeing them learn and grow is an unparalleled reward. “The positive impact I can make on people’s lives is what truly motivates me to keep creating,” says Ruhez with immense pride, humbleness, and gratitude.

Expanding the Tech Conversation: Ruhez has significantly contributed to developing the conversation around technology in India through his channel. His accessible and engaging content has demystified technology for millions of viewers, empowering them with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their tech purchases and usage.

Industry Recognition: Techno Ruhez’s impact has not gone unnoticed. He has been recognized for his contributions to the tech community and has received accolades and awards from national and international organizations.

  • Best Tech Influencer of 2021 Award.
  • Featured in the Most Viewed Tech Channel List of 2021.
  • Featured in Newspapers and Magazines, and so on.

Major tech publications often cite Ruhez’s insights and reviews, further solidifying his reputation as a trusted tech influencer.

Inspiring the Next Generation: One of the most significant impacts of Techno Ruhez’s journey is his role in inspiring the next generation of content creators. Through his success, he has shown that with passion, consistency, and a commitment to quality, it is possible to turn a love for technology into a thriving career. His story serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring YouTubers, encouraging them to pursue their dreams and make a mark in the digital world.

Measuring Success: Beyond the Numbers

While views and watch time are important metrics, they aren’t the sole indicators of success for Ruhez. Building a loyal and engaged community is equally important. He says, “I value comments, feedback, and interactions that demonstrate viewers are actively participating and finding value in my content.” Ultimately, a thriving YouTube channel fosters a positive and supportive community around a shared passion for technology.

Advice for Aspiring YouTubers

For those embarking on their YouTube journeys, Ruhez’s advice is simple: consistency, honesty, and resilience are key. Building a successful channel takes time and dedication. Upload consistently, stay true to your voice and style, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Every challenge is a learning opportunity, and negative comments provide valuable feedback. Keep creating passionately, connect with your audience, and, most importantly, enjoy the process!

Long-Term Vision: Embracing the Journey

As we look to the future, Techno Ruhez shows no signs of slowing down. Ruhez continues to innovate and explore new ways to enhance his content and engage with his audience. He says, “While I don’t have rigid, pre-defined goals for the future, I’m driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to keep evolving.” With plans to expand his channel, explore new content formats, and delve deeper into emerging technologies, Techno Ruhez is set to remain a dominant force in technology content creation.

Ruhez’s journey is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the willingness to adapt and grow in an ever-changing digital landscape. “My ultimate goal is to continue creating informative and engaging content that empowers viewers and fosters a thriving tech community.”

Looking Ahead to the Future

In essence, Techno Ruhez’s rise to success embodies the essence of what it takes to thrive as a YouTuber in today’s competitive environment. Ruhez concludes, “The future is unpredictable, but I approach it with an open mind and a heart full of passion. Who knows what exciting opportunities and collaborations await –  I’m excited to embrace the journey and see where it leads!”

Combining high-quality content, consistent engagement, and a deep understanding of his audience, Ruhez has created a channel that informs and inspires. As we uncover the secrets of successful YouTubers, Techno Ruhez’s story offers invaluable lessons for aspiring content creators and a shining example of how to turn a passion for technology into a platform for influence and change.